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Pharmacode: 7765547
EAN: 7610183102809
Stock number: 7765547
Availability: 1393 pieces
Supplier: Opella Healthcare Switzerland AG

Product details

When TELFASTIN ALLERSPRAY is sprayed onto the nasal mucosa, it forms an osmotic, absorbent, flexible and resistant film on this surface. The film acts as a protective barrier against environmental allergens and other irritants and pollutants and prevents them from coming into contact with the nasal mucosa. The osmotic pressure of the film attracts and binds the pollutants already present on the nasal mucosa. This cleansing effect promotes the repair of the mucous membrane and strengthens its defences. An intact nasal mucosa prevents allergens from entering the body. This absorbent mechanical barrier, which simultaneously protects, cleanses and minimises contact with allergens, provides rapid symptom relief. TELFASTIN ALLERSPRAY is non-irritating and acts mechanically on the nasal mucosa without being absorbed by the body. Clinical results show a significant reduction in irritation and nasal congestion and a very rapid normalisation of nasal discharge.

Treatment of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (various causes).

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